Active Forms in Forms and Schedules

To determine which forms/schedules are "active" in the current return, as opposed to those forms that are not being used in the current return, you need to view the Forms and Schedules list. When you expand the list of Forms and Schedules, the yellow folders are forms/schedules that are not being used in the current return, while the yellow folders with a piece of paper are forms/schedules either automatically created for (and required as a part of every return) or on which information has been entered for the current return.

To look up the forms and schedules in use:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click Tools down the left to expand, then click Forms Assistant.
  2. Click to expand the FEDERAL Forms folder, then click to expand the Forms and Schedules folder.
  3. Click any of the forms or schedules provided to continue.