Minnesota - Form M1PR - Property Tax Refund

Complete and file your Minnesota Property Tax Return

The steps below will enable you to enter or review information for the Minnesota Property Tax Refund in the State Q&A section of your TaxAct return:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click State. On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left hand corner, then click State
  2. Under the expanded State menu, click Minnesota 
  3. Click Property Tax Refund
  4. Select Complete all Property Tax Refund Q&A

Once you have completed entering your information, to determine the amount of your Property Tax Refund on your return, click on MN Refund (or Amount Due) in the upper right corner of the screen. In the tax summary box, select Minnesota Return. The state summary will show the state refund or balance due, and then the Property Tax Refund amount.

To e-file your Minnesota Property Tax Return:

  1. Click Filing 
  2. Choose E-File My Return, and then choose the option to file Minnesota property tax return (or you may choose to submit it along with your other returns)
  3. Continue through the filing steps until you reach the Submit Return screen. Your return will not be submitted until you click the Submit button.

Note. When completing the Q&A for the Minnesota Property Tax Credit you will have the option to have the refund directly deposited into your bank account or a paper check mailed to you. This refund does not transfer to your Minnesota Form M1.

File by August 15, 2019

Your 2018 Form M1PR should be mailed, delivered, or electronically filed with the department by August 15, 2019. You will not receive a refund if your return is filed or the postmark date is after August 15, 2019.

When to Expect Your Refund

If the department receives your properly completed return and all enclosures are correct and complete, you can expect your refund:

  • by mid-August if you are a renter or mobile home owner and you file by June 15, or within 60 days after you file, whichever is later.
  • by the end of September if you are a homeowner and you file by August 1, or within 60 days after you file, whichever is later.

If your return is incomplete or necessary information is not enclosed, your refund will be delayed or your return will be sent back to you.

You may receive your refund up to 30 days earlier than the dates listed above if you:

  • electronically file your return by May 15 (if a renter) or July 1 (if a homeowner or mobile home owner); and
  • chose the direct deposit option; and
  • filed Form M1PR last year; and
  • received a CRP(s) from your landlord (if a renter).

Checking the Status of the M1PR

See Where's My Refund? to check the status of your property tax refund online.

If you prefer, you can call the automated refund tracking line at 651-296-4444 (Metro) or 1-800-657-3676 (Greater Minnesota).

See the Minnesota Property Tax Refund Instructions for additional information.