IRS Notice CP 22E - Examination Adjustment Notice, Balance Due
This notice informs the taxpayer of a balance due because of an audit examination of their return.
Sections of the Notice:
Header Section This area contains the Notice Number, the notice date, your Social Security Number and the IRS contact number.
Explanation Section The explanation portion details the IRS audit adjustments to the tax return and will state the balance due for the adjustments made.
Response Section If you agree with the adjustment, submit a payment for the balance due with the coupon provided. If you cannot make payment of the balance due, call the IRS at number listed in the header section to discuss payment options or to setup an installment agreement. If you have questions or do not agree with the adjustment, contact the IRS at number listed in the header section.
Sample CP 22E:
There is not a sample CP 22E provided by the IRS at this time.
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