Notice Review - IRS Notice Listing

Below is a list of common IRS Notices. The notice number will appear on page 1 in the upper right-hand corner. Click a link below that matches the number on your notice and you will be provided information on what to do when you receive this type of notice along with a sample copy of the notice.

Most Common

CP 2000
CP 12
CP 11
Letter 525
CP 12C

Other Notices

CP 09 CP 22E CP 79
CP 10 CP 23 CP 79A
CP 11A CP 32A CP 90/CP 297
CP 13/CP 13A CP 45 CP 91/CP 298
CP 14 CP 49 CP 161
CP 16 CP 54B/CP 54E/CP 54G/CP 54Q CP 501
CP 22A CP 59 CP 504
CP 21B CP 75/CP 75A/CP 75B CP 504