Use Form Entry Method

*This information applies only to TaxAct® Desktop and Professional. Take me to information for TaxAct Online

To enter data directly on a form with TaxAct Desktop programs and TaxAct Professional Editions:

  1. Click the Forms button on the toolbar to bring up Forms Explorer.
  2. In the left pane, find the appropriate form, document received, or worksheet desired. You can also use the search bar above the navigation pane, on the left end of the blue bar. You can type in a form number or any word that may be used in a form name. The navigation list will automatically filter to any forms that contain the search terms.
  3. When the form is located, click on the plus sign to the left of the folder icon to expand the list beneath it.
  4. Either double-click on an existing form or click on Add Copy to open the form.
    Note. Some forms are only available in certain versions of TaxAct and will return a pop-up menu with an explanation. Other forms may be listed but cannot be accessed directly. In this case, when you click on "Add Copy," you will see a list of schedules or worksheets that must be completed first for the information to flow back to the form you desire.
  5. Find the appropriate line on the form that is now open, highlight the number in the blue field and click on the yellow folder to open the supporting document/worksheet for that field.
  6. Additional copies can be created for most forms by choosing the document button in the upper left corner or clicking on Add Copy from within the Forms Explorer.

Please use caution when entering data directly on to a form. Any field that displays a blue number is pulling information from a different part of the program or interview or is a calculated field. Only the green numbers are user entry fields.

Example: To enter depreciation:

  1. Choose the Forms button.
  2. Open the Federal 1040.
  3. Scroll down to line 12 Business Income or Loss.
  4. Highlight the blue number and click on the yellow folder. This takes you to Schedule C.
  5. Scroll down to line 13 Depreciation.
  6. Highlight the blue number and click on the yellow folder. This takes you to Form 4562. Note that you cannot enter information directly onto this form.
  7. Click on any of the blue numbers and it will open up a Depreciation Worksheet.
  8. In the upper left-hand corner, there is a button to create additional copies of the worksheet if needed.
  9. Once completed, the data will flow to the correct location on the 4562 and in turn the Schedule C and 1040.

If you're unable to locate the form, schedule or worksheet in the list displayed, it is not supported in our product. You may download it directly from the IRS at the link below.

If you're unable to navigate through the forms, we suggest that you choose the Q&A button and use the interview method. This will ask questions about your particular tax situation and place the data in the appropriate location.

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