Form 4868 - Filing a Federal Individual Tax Return Extension
Form 4868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Indivicual Income Tax Return is included in TaxACT.

Please note that filing an extension ONLY extends the time to file your return and does not extend the time to pay any tax due. To avoid late payment penalties and interest you must estimate what tax will be due and pay that when you file the extension form.

Enter or Edit Form 4868:
  1. Log into your TaxACT Online return or start your TaxACT Desktop program .
  2. Click on the 'Federal Q&A' tab.
  3. Click 'Miscellaneous Topics' to expand the section and then Click 'Request an Extension of time to file'.
  4. Click on 'Complete Form 4868'.
  5. The program will proceed with the interview questions for you to enter the appropriate information.
  6. On the screen 'Form 4868 - Filing' you will have the option to either print the form to mail or electronically file the form.
  7. If you wish to mail the form to the IRS, click the Form Instructions icon on the right side of the screen to obtain the proper mailing address.
  8. If you wish to electronically file your extension, choose E-File Form 4868 and continue until you reach the Submit button to submit your extension
  9. .

Alternate Entry
  • Click on the 'Filing' tab.
  • Click on the'File Extension' link that is directly below the tabs.
  • Click on 'Complete Form 4868' and proceed through TaxACT to answer the questions to create Form 4868.

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