Form W-2 - Adding, Reviewing, or Deleting

In the TaxAct® program you can add multiple copies of forms, schedules, and documents received such as Forms W-2 and 1099. You can also review, edit, or delete forms already created. These options will be available on the Summary screen for the form:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop) click Federal. On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then choose Federal.
  2. Click the type of income you wish to add.
    • For Form W-2, click Wages and Salaries and then Wage income reported on Form W-2.
    • For specific steps for other forms, refer to Where to Report Items and click the link for your form.
  3. On the Your 2018 W-2 forms screen, click New Copy of Form W-2 (Desktop users click Add) to create a new form or click Review to view or change entries for a form you have already entered. To remove a form from your return, choose the box next to it and click Delete.