IRS Reject Codes - Self-Select PIN/AGI Mismatch

If your return was rejected with either of the IRS codes below, you did not provide the information necessary to verify your e-filed return:

  • IND-031

    : The primary taxpayer's prior-year AGI or Self-Select PIN doesn't match IRS records.
  • IND-032

    : The spouse's prior-year AGI or Self-Select PIN doesn't match IRS records.

The most common error is entering the AGI for the CURRENT YEAR instead of the PRIOR YEAR. The AGI entered in the filing step should be the original amount from LAST YEAR's 1040 line 7 (round to the nearest dollar). If you filed a joint return last year, the Adjusted Gross Income entry for both spouses is the same amount, but must be entered on each spouse's return.

For more information on these signature options, see AGI, Self Select PIN, and Electronic Signature.

You may review your entries and resubmit your return at no charge by repeating the filing steps. From within your return, click Filing and continue through the interview questions to correct any errors and resubmit.

If only the federal or state return is rejected, you can submit only the return that was rejected. If your state requires you to file a linked return, you will need to resubmit both returns after you have made corrections.

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