Mailing Addresses for Filing

In order to obtain the mailing address and/or instructions for your federal or state return, please use the instructions below. Please make sure to follow the instructions for the TaxAct program you're using.

To obtain the mailing address and/or instructions:

  1. Sign In to your TaxAct account, then open the appropriate return.
  2. Click Print Center down the left to expand, then click Instructions/Reports.
  3. Select the appropriate return instructions, click Print, then click the PDF link.
  4. Once you can view the instructions, you may print or save them using the icons or keyboard keystrokes ("Print" + "Ctrl" + "P" or "Save" + "Ctrl" + "S").
  1. Open the TaxAct program located on your computer.
  2. Click Reports on the menu bar at the top of the program.
  3. Hover over Paper Filing Instructions, then select the appropriate return instructions (Federal or State).
  4. Click Print, then make the appropriate choices on the screen titled Print Reports.

The instructions provided will provide the due date of the return, the mailing address, and the balance due or expected refund amount. The instructions will also provide information regarding required attachments to mail with your return.

You may also find the appropriate mailing address from the IRS Where to File Paper Tax Returns With or Without a Payment webpage.

Note that any link in the information above is updated each year automatically and will take you to the most recent version of the document at the time it is accessed.