Filing Status - Remove Spouse SSN After Importing

To change your filing status from Married Filing Joint to Head of Household after importing, you will need to remove any spouse information from your return.

To remove the Social Security Number (SSN):

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop) click Basic Info. On smaller devices, click in the upper left-hand corner, then Basic Info.
  2. Click Skip Import if presented with the Welcome Back! import screen.
  3. On the screen titled Tell us about yourself, click Continue.
  4. On the screen titled What best describes your relationship status? choose Single and click Continue. 
  5. Continue through the interview screens until you reach the summary screen that will determine the best filing status for you. There, you will be prompted to change your filing status to Head of Household
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Review return to verify all spouse information has been removed.