Professional Editions - Forms and Topics Assistant

To search forms by number or topic in your TaxAct Professional program:

  1. Open a client return
  2. In Forms View, note the search bar above the navigation pane, in the upper left corner.
  3. Type a form number or words in the form title and it will filter the list below to any matches.

Example. Typing either "4868" or "extension" will make the list show only those forms that match, to make it easier to open the form you need.

You can also navigate in Forms View, scrolling through or collapsing folders. To go to the form, expand by clicking the plus (+) sign, then double-clicking the Copy or Add option to open the form in the view pane on the right.

In Q&A view:

  1. Click Tools to expand the menu, then click Topics Assistant.
  2. In the Topics List pop-up window, type in your form number the search bar in the upper right corner.
  3. Double-click the item you want to jump to.