If you can't locate the previous year return files within the program, you can look on your computer with Windows Explorer or Windows search. The default location for return files created using the TaxAct consumer programs is a subdirectory of the [MyDocuments] folder of your Windows user account.
The return files will be saved in the folder named for the year of the return file (e.g., "TaxAct 2018," "TaxAct 2019," etc.). If you have saved your return file to another location manually or have changed the default location of your return files, you may search for files with an extension of ".taX" where "X" represents the last digit of the year (".ta8" for 2018, ".ta9" for 2019, etc.).
If you are unable to locate your return file, backup files may be saved containing your return. These files have an extension of ".baX" (same naming convention applies for the tax year). You may search for these files using the Windows search function, then restore them using the TaxAct program:
Returns created with the TaxAct Desktop program do not save or copy to TaxAct servers, so TaxAct does not have copies of your return files. If you are unable to locate your return file and are unable to restore from a backup, there is no copy of your return to print. Successfully filed returns can be obtained from the IRS by calling 800-829-1040. You will need to recreate any returns that not yet filed.