Enterprise Editions: How to Import Last Year's TaxAct Professional Information and Returns

The Import Wizard allows you to import prior year master information that you saved locally or online. The first screen you will see upon logging into your TaxAct Professional software will give you the option to import prior year Master Information, if available.

To import prior year’s information:

  1. Click Import Now, then click Continue to Preparer Information.
  2. Edit, add, or remove preparers as needed, then click Continue to Master Info.
  3. Click Set Up Master Information Now to select preferences for returns, invoicing, letters, etc. You are able to set your preferences once, instead of having to set preferences for each individual client return. Update master information as needed.
  4. Click Continue to Master Forms.
  5. You'll see a tile for each Federal Edition (1040, 1041, 1065, etc.) installed. For each edition, you can set up different master forms, such as:
    • Federal Master Charge By Form to set an amount to charge for each form (Federal and State).
    • Master Billing Invoice to set up one fee for entire Federal or State returns.
    • Instruction Letter to set your preferences for returns and letters.