Multiple Returns - Accessing the Wrong One

If you made entries to your return previously that are not showing up now, you may be working out of multiple returns. 

To determine which specific return is the one you wish to access, you may need to open each of the returns listed in the account and verify which return has the correct data. To open the returns:

  1. Sign in to your TaxAct account
  2. Once signed in, click My Taxes which will show the list of all tax returns in the account, sorted by tax year
  3. The Status will indicate if a return has been printed or e-filed, which may aid in the search for the correct return
  4. You can also click Open to confirm the information entered in each return

If there are more than 2 returns in the account, the most recently-opened return will be at the top of the list; therefore, you have to keep track of which ones you have opened to ensure an incorrect return is not continuously being opened.

To avoid confusion, change the title of the return to something descriptive that will help you remember which is the correct, current return. To change the name, click the pencil icon in the Description column. Unused returns can also be deleted from the account. You can delete an unfiled return by clicking the down arrow and then clicking Remove Return.

*Note: If you go through the filing steps the return becomes a matter of filing record and cannot be deleted.