To help prevent fraud, it is no longer possible to electronically file your state return if you have not electronically filed your federal return with TaxAct. This includes situations where the Federal return is unable to be e-filed per IRS regulations or those situations when it is not necessary to file a federal return. If you did not electronically file your federal return with us, you can still prepare your state return, but it will have to be paper filed.While New York requires most taxpayers to file electronically, they do allow an exception when you are unable to do so with the software you are using. You can include a note when mailing your New York return explaining that since your Federal return was not able to be e-filed that you are paper filing your New York return also.
Follow the steps below to print a paper copy of your return which can then be mailed:
Before mailing the return(s), be sure to read the instructions. They will include important information such as where to file, what to attach to the return (i.e. W-2s, 1099s, etc.), refund or balance due, information about estimated tax payments, etc.