E-File a State Return Only - Professional Editions

The TaxAct Professional programs allow you to prepare and e-file only the state return, but first you need to prepare the Federal return. All the data that flows to the state return originates from the Federal return. The State Q&A interview section then prompts for additional information specific to the state return.

To file only the state return, click Filing, then click E-File My Return. Check the box next to the state return you wish to submit, then complete the filing steps.

To file only the state return:

  1. Click Filing, then click Print Return (located directly below the Pro Features tab).
  2. Click Continue, then select Federal Only.
  3. On the screen titled Paper Filing - Printing Your Return, click Print Return.
  4. Click Cancel.
  5. Click the Filing tab again, then click E-File My Return. You should now see the option to check the box next to the state return you wish to submit.