To protect your tax information, you will be asked to verify your identity with a verification code each time you sign in to your TaxAct Account. You can choose to receive this code by email or text, and it can take a moment for the code to arrive.
If your email or mobile phone number have changed, update both your phone number and email connected with your TaxAct Account. This helps make your sign-in experience easier and faster.
Verification codes are valid for a limited amount of time. If your code expires, you can request a new code.
If you’re expecting a verification code by phone/text (standard text message rates apply), make sure you entered your full phone number, including three-digit area code, under My Preferences.
If you’re expecting a verification code by email, check all junk, spam, or other folders. If you use other email accounts, check those inboxes as well. Also, make sure to expand any conversation threads to check for newly-received messages.