Nonresident Partner - E-File without ITIN or SSN

Partnerships (Form 1065) are able to e-file their business tax return with nonresident partners or shareholders who do not have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number (SSN).


To indicate a partner (individuals only) does not have an ITIN or SSN:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click K-1 Wizard.  On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then select K-1 Wizard.
  2. Click Continue to advance to the screen titled Partner Summary
  3. Click Review for the nonresident partner from the list of partners
  4. Click Step-by-Step Guidance
  5. Select the Partner type then click Continue
  6. On the screen titled Partner - Identification Number select the Reason for missing number.