Form W-2 Import

The Employer Identification Number (box b of each of your Forms W-2) entered in the program determines whether the W-2 is available for importing into the program. If the EIN entered is eligible, you will be prompted with the import option as explained in the steps below.

  1. From within your TaxAct® return (Online or Desktop), click Federal. On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then select Federal
  2. Click Wages and Salaries  in the Federal Quick Q&A Topics menu to expand the category and then click Wage income reported on Form W-2
  3. Click New Copy of Form W-2 (Desktop users click Add), select the owner of this W-2, enter the Employer's ID number as shown on the W-2 and click Continue
  4. If the W-2 is eligible for importing, you will see a screen titled Import W-2 - Authentication Credentials where you can enter the information needed and click Import W-2 (if you decide you do not wish to import the W-2 you can click Choose Different Method and enter the information manually)
  5. If you click Import W-2, upon successful import a confirmation screen will appear with the imported data for your review