New York - Nonobligated Spouse Form IT-280

New York Form IT-280 Nonobligated Spouse Allocation is filed if you do not want to apply your part of a joint refund or refundable credit to a debt solely-owned by your spouse.

You should file Form IT-280 if you want to disclaim your spouse's:

  • defaulted governmental education
  • state university or city university loan
  • past-due support liability, or
  • past-due legally enforceable debt to a NYS agency or NYC tax warrant judgement debt

To enter information for this form:

  1. From within your TaxAct® return (Online or Desktop), click State.
  2. Click on New York under the expanded State menu. 
  3. Click Miscellaneous Topics, then select Form IT-280 - Nonobligated Spouse Allocation