See the instructions below if you received one of the following IRS rejection codes:
- FW2-502
- 1099R-502-02
- F2439-502-01
- FW2G-502
Understanding reject code FW2-502:
If your return is rejected with IRS error code FW2-502, the Employer Identification Number (EIN) you entered for a Form W-2 does not match the number in the IRS Masterfile.
An EIN is 9 digits in length with the format of XX-XXXXXXX.
An invalid employer identification number usually results when the number you entered in the federal EIN section of your TaxAct® W-2:
- was taken from the state section of your physical W2,
- doesn't match the federal EIN on your physical W2, or
- matches the federal EIN on your physical W2, but is incorrect (i.e. the number provided on your W-2 is wrong).
Make corrections in the software if the numbers don’t match. If the numbers do match, contact your employer or the IRS (1-800-829-1040) to get the correct numbers.
To verify or modify your EIN, see Form W-2 - Adding, Reviewing, or Deleting.
Once you've corrected this information, click Filing, update your information, and repeat the electronic filing steps.
Understanding reject codes 1099R-502-02, F2439-502-01, and FW2G-502:
If your e-filed return is rejected with code 1099R-502-02, F2439-502-01, or FW2G-502, you’ll need to verify a different identification number. From within your return, follow the appropriate steps below.
For code 1099R-502-02:
- Click Federal.
- Click Retirement Plan Income to expand the category, then IRA, 401(k), and pension plan distributions (Form 1099-R). Click Review to review a form you previously created, then select Step-by-Step Guidance. On the screen titled Retirement Plan Income - Payer's Information verify that the Payer's federal ID number correctly matches the number on your physical Form 1099-R.
For code F2439-502-01:
- Click Federal.
- Click Investment Income to expand the category, then Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains (Form 2439).
- Click Review to review a form you previously created.
- On the screen titled Form 2439 - Payer's Name verify that the RIC or REIT's ID number correctly matches the number on your physical Form 2439.
For code FW2G-502:
- Click Federal.
- Click Other Income to expand the category, then Gambling winnings.
- On the screen titled Gambling Winnings - W-2G - Payer's Information, verify that the Payer's identification number correctly matches the number on your physical Form W-2G.
Once you have corrected the information, click Filing to repeat the electronic filing steps.