What is a PDF?

A PDF (short for Portable Document Format) is a common type of file that displays documents as they will appear when printed. Even if the document contains complex forms and tables, the PDF will look the same when viewed or printed from any computer, regardless of which software program originally created it.

With TaxAct®, the final copy of your return can be viewed, saved, and printed as a PDF file. This allows you to safely and conveniently access, back up, or move your completed return at any time. It also ensures that your return will look exactly as the IRS intended.

Double-clicking any PDF file will open the document automatically in a reader or web browser. When viewing your return, you can print by clicking the printer icon. To save your return, click File, then click Save.

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Note that any link in the information above is updated each year automatically and will take you to the most recent version of the webpage or document at the time it is accessed.