Entering in Program - Fillable Forms

To complete any fillable form in the TaxAct® program:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online), click the Tools dropdown, then click Forms Assistant.
  2. Click + next to any manila folder to expand that section, then click the Form, Schedule, or Worksheet you want to edit.
  3. Click + Add to create a new copy, or click Form to edit a copy already created.
  4. If an Unable to open form directly pop-up appears, it will have a list of forms that you still need to enter your data into first.
  1. From within your TaxAct return (Desktop), click Forms in the options bar.
  2. Click Federal or State from the dropdown in Forms Explorer, then click any other dropdown sections you want to see, and click the Form, Schedule, or Worksheet you want to edit.
  3. The item you clicked will appear in Forms View, you can edit it, or click + Add below the dropdown that appears below the item in Forms Explorer.
  4. If an Unable to open form directly pop-up appears, it will have a list of forms that you still need to enter your data into first.