To report foreign dividend or interest income, enter the information as though you had received a Form 1099-DIV or INT, but leave off the Payer's Federal Identification Number. This number is not required and the return will still electronically file without the number. The information required by the IRS is then transferred to Schedule B of the return.
Note. If the income is reported to you in foreign currency figures you would use the exchange rate on the last day of the year when converting the foreign figures.
Dividends: To enter Form 1099-DIV Dividend Income into the program when it is to report foreign dividends and an ID number is not available
If you paid foreign income taxes continue to the screen titled Dividend Income - Foreign Tax Paid to enter this information into the 1099-DIV section.
Interest: To enter Form 1099-INT Interest Income into the program when it is to report foreign interest and an ID number is not available:
If you paid foreign income taxes, continue to the screen titled Interest Income - Investment Expenses and Foreign Taxes to enter that information.
Form 1116: If you find you need to review or modify Form 1116 Foreign Tax Credit due to the foreign dividend and/or income tax entries, please follow these instructions: