Attaching a Document - Professional Editions

The TaxAct Enterprise Edition allows preparers to attach and associate documents and images with client returns for record keeping purposes. It allows the attachment of scanned images of client documents (W-2, 1099, etc.). Although this does not automatically import the document into the return, you are able to keep scanned images of client documents with the return file.  If you want to attach a file to a specific form in the return, you need to use Forms View.  If you want to attach a file to the whole return in, then you need to use Document Manager.  You can use Document Manager to see all attachments on a return, but in Forms View, you can only see documents attached to the form you are viewing.

To attach a file to a form:

  1. From within your TaxAct Professional Enterprise Edition, click Clients to view the Client Manager screen (if it is not already visible), then Double-click the client return you are attaching a file to.
  2. Click Forms in the options bar to view Forms Explorer (if it is not already visible), then click the form you want to add an attachment to (you might need to click the dropdowns or search for the form), then the form will open in Forms View.
  3. At the top of Forms View, click the Add/View Attachments icon (it looks like a paperclip, and says Add/View Attachments when you hover your mouse over it).
  4. In the window that appears, click Add.
  5. Navigate to the folder where the file is located, click the file, then click Open.

Depending on the file type you attach to a return, you may need a specific program to open that file. For example, if you attached a Microsoft Word DOC file, you would need Microsoft Word.

To attach a file to a return:

  1. From within your TaxAct Professional Enterprise Edition, click Clients to view the Client Manager screen (if it is not already visible), then click Document Manager.
  2. Click the name of the client return you are attaching a file to, then click the Add attachment to selected client icon (it looks like a paperclip with a + on it).
  3. Navigate to the folder where the file is located, click the file, then click Open.

Note. You can view image documents within Document Manager, but other files will require opening externally with the associated program.

Note. Attachments created in this way are not e-filed with the tax return. Only certain kinds of documents are accepted as attachments with e-filing, and those must be attached in the filing steps. For more information, see Form 8453 - Attachments.