To change any of your preparer information that appears on the returns, cover letters, and invoice:
Your preparer information such as name, address, phone number, etc. can be edited on the Preparer Info tab. Information specific to your electronically filed returns such as EFIN, credit card number, etc. can be edited under the Electronic Filing Info tab. If you have selected to use your practice information for your preparer information, you may also need to click the Practice tab to make changes.
Once you've entered preparer information or any time you modify it, you can back it up.* From the main menu bar at the top of the program window, click File > Backup > Preparer's Information > Local. By default, you will be given the Client Data folder in the Save dialog box. It's a good idea to save a backup of your preparer and master data here, and you can save additional backup copies in other locations on external media, or with the Enterprise Edition's online backup on TaxAct servers.* Particularly with the Enterprise Edition*, if you are using TaxAct on a network with more than one user, you would want to save this data for any eventuality of loss or error. This is the data used in the program besides the client return files, including preparer information, master information and user settings.
* Note: Unless you are using the Enterprise online option. With this option, you are always saving your data to TaxAct servers.