Checking E-File Status for Client Returns

The Efile Status column in Client Manager will indicate the current status of each client's e-filed return.

To confirm the status of the client e-files you've submitted, use Professional Reports, either from the TaxAct program or your TaxAct account.

In the TaxAct professional program:

  1. Click the Professional Reports tab (you may also press Ctrl + Q on your keyboard to jump to that tab).
  2. Click the refresh button (the icon with two green arrows on the blue bar in the upper left) to download the latest information from our website.

To use Professional Reports in your TaxAct account, go to the TaxAct website,, sign into your account, and click the Professional Reports tile.

Note. If you can't find your client's return status:

  1. You may be entering the wrong required information:

    • The primary taxpayer's social security number (SSN).
    • The primary taxpayer's last name.
    • The zip code on the filed return.
    • Prior to 2015, Preparer Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) and Password (if checking all client return statuses at once).

  2. You may not have successfully completed the electronic filing process.

    • You may have progressed as far as printing but have not actually submitted the return electronically.
    • You may have unknowingly selected to paper file the return instead of electronically filing.
    • You may have clicked the Submit Later button rather than the Submit button.

If it's been more than 24 hours, you haven't received an e-mail confirmation, and you don't see the client's return listed, the return was not successfully e-filed. You'll want to repeat the electronic filing steps within the TaxAct program.