New Jersey - Filing Both NJ-1040 and NJ-1040NR

If you need to file both resident and non-resident returns for New Jersey, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Select which New Jersey form (full-year/part-year) you want to e-file with the state of New Jersey.
  2. Complete the first return and e-file with the state of New Jersey. (Be sure to print copies of this return)
  3. You will then need to go back into the New Jersey software and change to the opposite form (full-year/part-year resident or nonresident). This allows all of your federal information to stay the same and transfer to your second New Jersey return. You will just go through the Q&A process using the different form.
  4. The second return will need to be printed and mailed into the state. (Be sure to print copies of this return)
  5. TaxAct does not prohibit you from actually submitting both returns by e-file, BUT THE STATE WILL REJECT THE SECOND RETURN because the state has already accepted the first return by e-file with the same social security number.

NOTE: The information from the 1st return will no longer be accessible once you change it. If you will need to access this information again, you will need to create a second online account or a second desktop return.