Form 2441 - No SSN Provided

If you paid child and dependent care expenses, but the individual care provider has not or will not provide their social security number to you, you may still be able to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit if you show due diligence to obtain the information.

To access this section of the TaxAct program:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click Federal. On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then select Federal
  2. Click Child and Dependent Care in the Federal Quick Q&A Topics
  3. Click Yes to enter or review the care provider information
  4. Click +Add Form 2441 Care Provider to create a new copy of the form or click Review to review a copy already created
  5. Enter the provider's information, then click Continue
  6. If on the previous screen you did not enter a social security number, you will be brought to the screen titled Care Provider - Identification Number
  7. Check the box Check if provider refuses to give you the social security number

This screen also states If the care provider refuses to give you a social security number, you will not be allowed to electronically file your 2018 tax returnAlso, the IRS may disallow the care provider from your return if due diligence is not shown.

Checking this box will allow the provider information to flow to Federal Form 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses for purposes of calculating the credit. You will need to attach an explanation to the return regarding the due diligence taken in attempting to obtain the social security number. This explanation statement will be attached to the paper filed return.

Per IRS Instructions for Form 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses, page 3:

Line 1

Complete columns (a) through (d) for each person or organization that provided the care. You can use Form W-10, Dependent Care Provider's Identification and Certification, or any other source listed in its instructions to get the information from the care provider. If you don't give correct or complete information, your credit (and exclusion, if applicable) may be disallowed unless you can show you used due diligence in trying to get the required information.

If you have more than two care providers, attach a statement to your return with the required information. Be sure to put your name and SSN on the statement. Also, enter "See Attached" right above the Caution under line 1.

If you had neither a qualifying person nor any care providers for 2019, and you are filing Form 2441 only to report taxable income in Part III, enter "none" on line 1, column (a).

Due Diligence

You can show a serious and earnest effort (due diligence) to get the information by keeping in your records a Form W-10 completed by the care provider. Or you may keep one of the other sources of information listed in the instructions for Form W-10. If the provider doesn't give you the information, complete the entries you can online 1. For example, enter the provider's name and address. Enter "See Attached Statement" in the columns for which you don't have the information. Then, attach a statement to your return explaining that the provider didn't give you the information you requested.

Related Links

  • Form W-10 Dependent Care Provider's Identification and Certification