TaxAct Final Version Not Found During State Install

If you receive a "TaxAct Final Version Not Found" error when attempting to install a TaxAct® Desktop state module, it typically means that you do not have the proper Federal program installed.

Common causes of this error message include:

  • The Federal program is not installed. Sign in to your account to download and install the Federal program or Get the TaxAct Federal Program and install. You may then try your state install again.
  • The state module is designed for a different Federal program:
    • Users of TaxAct Professional Federal Edition must install a TaxAct Professional State Edition.
    • Consumers using the Basic, Deluxe, Premier, or Self-Employed Edition of TaxAct must install the corresponding state edition.

Sign in and check the All Downloads page to ensure your Federal program version matches your State module. If it doesn't, contact our Customer Service Department at 319-373-3600 to correct your order.