The IRS and the U.S. Treasury department have extended the federal filing and tax payment deadlines to July 15, 2020.
For more information:
You can enter or review information for Form 9465 Installment Agreement Request in TaxAct. See the steps below.
You can set up monthly electronic funds withdrawals for your installment request when you enter your information for Form 9465.
Filing Form 9465 does not guarantee your request for a payment plan. The IRS will contact you to approve or deny your installment plan request.
To enter information for Form 9465:
When you enter your information for Form 9465, you’ll be prompted to enter your banking information. Proceed through the e-filing steps and select mail a check on the e-filing - federal balance due options screen.
Do not enter your banking information under the direct withdrawal selection, or the entire amount will be withdrawn all at once. You were prompted to enter the banking information in the Q&A section for Form 9465 earlier in the process.
In the filing steps, you’ll be prompted to view and/or print the federal e-file instructions.
Mail the Form 1040-V voucher to submit payment, but only if your installment request is denied. Until you hear from the IRS that the Form 1040-V needs to be mailed, keep it with your records.