Although TaxAct® provides the ability for desktop users of the product to override fields in the return if they wish, numerous Alerts are generated to warn of the consequences of doing so.
The first key pressed to change a field that would be considered an override (changing a calculation made by the program) triggers a dialog box that states "WARNING: You are attempting to alter a calculated value! Directly altering a calculated value is NOT recommended. The preferred method for altering a calculated value is to open the supporting form(s) and modify the appropriate values."
A customer who still wants to proceed must again click Override Value, which also has a warning written to the side. Even after clicking that button, another dialog box appears containing the statement "If you override this calculated field you will NOT be able to electronically file this return. Do you wish to continue?". If Yes is selected, the overridden amount can be entered and will appear in red on the form or schedule.
Any overridden fields will generate a Red Alert in the Alerts section of the program. Red Alert - Overridden Field states "You have overridden a calculated value! Directly overriding a calculated value is NOT recommended. This return will not be able to be electronically filed with an overridden field. Clearing the overridden calculation will allow the field to calculate correctly." There is the option on this screen to clear the overridden value. A separate Alert is generated for each overridden field in the return.
While we strive to provide our customers with the program capabilities they request, we also take very seriously our responsibility to warn our customers when they are doing something in the program that may affect the calculations on their return. We strive to provide adequate warnings in the event that a customer chooses to override fields in the desktop program.