Form W-2G - Gambling - Number of Forms Supported

The TaxAct program supports the entry of 150 copies of Forms W-2G for Gambling Winnings.  If you have more than 150 Forms W-2G, the instructions below will allow you to enter the total amount into your return and you will then want to paper file the return so you can attach copies of each Form W-2G that you received.  While you can electronically file the return by consolidating similar winnings as explained below, doing so may result in the IRS contacting you for the supporting information since the consolidated information transmitted to the IRS will not match exactly the IRS copies they have already received (the total will match, but not the other information on the forms).

First you will want to sort your W-2Gs by recipient (if filing a joint return) since the total entered does need to be correctly allocated to the individual that actually received the winnings.  Then determine which forms are most similar (by the place the winnings were paid from, the type of wager, etc) and then enter as many individual forms as possible leaving enough empty forms in the program to enter the consolidated forms as necessary. To enter the information in the TaxAct program:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click Federal. On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then select Federal
  2. Click Other Income in the middle of the screen to expand the category and then click Gambling winnings in the Federal Quick Q&A Topics menu.
  3. Click Yes and on the following screen leave the field(s) blank (those field(s) are only for when you DID NOT receive a Form W-2G) and click Continue
  4. On the screen Gambling Winnings - W-2G - Payer's Information leave the fields blank and click Continue
  5. On the screen Gambling Winnings - W-2G - Ownership you need to select the individual that owns the Forms W-2G currently being entered (if this is a joint return, otherwise you will not even see this screen) and then click Continue
  6. On the screen Gambling Winnings - W-2G - Winnings Information enter the total amount received on all Forms W-2G that have not been previously entered in the return

When you paper file the return and attach the Forms W-2G you received, you will be providing the detailed information that you did not enter in the program so the IRS is able to match your reported winnings with the forms they have received from the payer.