Social Security Benefits Worksheet - Taxable Amount

If your income is modest, it is likely that none of your Social Security benefits are taxable. As your gross income increases, a higher percentage of your Social Security benefits become taxable, up to a maximum of 85% of your total benefits.The TaxACT program will automatically calculate the taxable amount of your Social Security income (if any).

To view the Social Security Benefits Worksheet:

TaxACT Online Return 

    1. Sign in to your TaxACT Online return
    2. Click the Forms tab on the right side of the screen
    3. Click View Complete Forms list 
    4. Expand the Federal folder and then expand the Worksheets folder
    5. Scroll down and click on the worksheet - Form 1040 Taxable Social Security - Social Security Benefits Worksheet 1 to print .
    6. Click the Print icon and then click the PDF link. The item will appear in a PDF read-only format. At that time you can click the printer icon on the screen to actually print, or close the window without printing.

NOTE: If, after you click Print in Step 6 above, and you are directed to the Payment Option screen, you will need to process the product fees prior to printing. 

TaxACT Desktop Return

  1. Click on Forms in the tool bar
  2. Expand the Federal folder, then expand the Worksheets folder
  3. Scroll down and double click Form 1040 Taxable Social Security - Social Security Benefits Worksheet 1
This worksheet is based on the worksheet in IRS Publication 915 Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits.