Schedule E - Depletion

To see the depletion field in the Q&A for a rental property, you need to select non-active participant in the TaxAct program.

To reach the Rental Income - Depletion screen for Schedule E (if you need help accessing Schedule E, go to our Schedule E - Entering Rental Property in Program FAQ):

  1. From within your Schedule E, continue with the interview process until you reach the screen titled Rental and Royalty Income - Property Type.
  2. Click the Property type dropdown, and click the applicable property type.
  3. On the screen titled Rental Income - Passive Activity, click the checkbox next to Nonpassive activity.
  4. On the screen titled Complete your Schedule(s) E, click Edit next to the rental, and continue with the interview process until you reach the screen titled Rental and Royalty Income - Topics.
  5. Click Review next to Depreciation and Amortization, and continue with the interview process until you reach the screen titled Rental Income - Depletion.
  6. Continue with the interview process to enter your information.