Sales Tax - Entering Local Rate

If your locality imposes a general sales tax, and you would like to enter this information for your State and Local General Sales Tax Deduction:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click Federal. On smaller devices, click in the upper left-hand corner, then click Federal.
  2. Click Itemized or Standard Deductions in the Federal Quick Q&A Topics menu to expand, then click Taxes paid.
  3. Continue with the interview process to enter all of the appropriate information.
  4. On the screen titled Do you want to enter state and local sales tax information?, click Yes, then click Table Amount.
  5. On the screen titled What is your local sales tax rate?, enter your rates if needed, then click Continue.

The state rate will automatically populate. Be sure to enter any applicable information on each of the screens in this section. Example: Your state imposes a 6.5% general sales tax and your city imposes an additional 0.5% general sales tax. TaxAct will provide you with the state general sales tax rate. To figure your local general sales taxes, enter "0.5" as the Local general sales tax rate.