Form 1099-MISC - Gross Proceeds Paid to an Attorney

Form 1099-MISC Box 10 shows gross proceeds paid to an attorney in connection with legal services. These amounts are generally reported on Schedule C (Form 1040). Enter only the taxable portion as income on your return. You need to complete Schedule C before Form 1099-MISC, if you need help completing Schedule C, go to our Schedule C - Entering Sole Proprietorship in Program FAQ.

Access Form 1099-MISC and enter your box 10 amount (if you need help accessing Form 1099-MISC in the TaxAct program, go to our Form 1099-MISC - Entering in Program FAQ):

  1. From within your Form 1099-MISC, continue with the interview process until you reach the screen titled 1099-MISC: Enter information on form.
  2. Click the data entry field below Box 10 - Gross proceeds paid to an attorney, and type your amount.