Ex-Spouse Occupation - Removing from Imported Data

When you import a prior year return, all of the applicable information is entered in your current year return.  If you want to remove certain information, you will have to do it manually.  To remove your ex-spouse's occupation (and so it won't show up when you print or preview your return):

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click Basic Info (on smaller devices, click in the top left corner of your screen, then click Basic Info).
  2. Click Personal, then click the circle next to Married (you will change it back, this will allow you to edit your ex-spouse's info).  Below Will you file this return with your spouse?, click the circle next to Yes.
  3. Click Review, then click Edit next to your ex-spouse.  Remove all of your ex-spouse's info, including Occupation.
  4. Click Personal, then click the circle next to your correct relationship status.