Dependents - Child Born and Died with No SSN

Whether your child was born alive depends on state or local law. There must be proof of a live birth shown by an official document, such as a birth certificate. If you do not have a social security number (SSN) for your child, here are steps to report your child as a dependent in the TaxAct program (if you need help accessing the Dependent section of the Q&A, go to our Dependents - Adding in Program FAQ):

  1. From within the Dependent section of the Q&A, on the screen titled Tell us about your dependent, click the data entry field below Social Security Number, and type "DIED".
  2. Scroll down to How many months did they live with you in 2021?, click the data entry field below Months lived in the U.S. or Months lived outside the U.S., and type "12" (this will allow the TaxAct program to accurately calculate the proper credits for your tax return).
  3. If you e-file your return, you will need to attach a PDF of the birth certificate, death certificate, or hospital records for documentation.  If you need help with attachments, go to our Including Attachments With Return FAQ.  If you choose to mail your return to the IRS, you can include printed records when you mail it.