Starting Your Tax Practice?
Explore resources from TaxAct Professional and others curated from outside sources to get your practice up and running quickly.
Are you ready to start your tax practice?
It’s not as simple as hanging an open sign in your office window. In this e-book, we offer tips to walk you through forming your business, building your practice, and growing it with marketing strategies.
Whether you want to start and stay a solo practitioner or you have dreams of growing a larger firm, these first steps will put you on the right path.
Sales/Marketing for New Firms
How to Market Your Tax Firm
Nyrie Sarkissian, owner of Tax Prep A-Go-Go & current TaxAct customer, discusses her top three marketing MUSTS, when it comes to her tax firm.
Bank Product Resources
Additional guidance for how to best use our Bank Products. We show how to initiate a refund transfer, cover FAQ's, and provide you with marketing materials.
Bank Webinar Enrollment
Sign up for one of our weekly webinars to learn more about how Bank Products work and how you can use them to benefit both you and your customers.
Using Marketing to Gain Leads
Becky Livingston, CPA Practice Advisor, shows how traditional marketing can be used to meet your goals, even in a world so focused on social media.
Book Recommendations
Starting your own practice can be difficult, we understand that and believe these books can help you level up your new firm’s marketing and sales efforts.
How to Be a Good Leader
Help Your Team Avoid Burnout
Nyrie Sarkissian shares four key pieces of advice that go beyond the basics to help keep you and your team sane during this time of year.
How to Handle Conflict Well
John Bower explains how to deal with conflict in a way that benefits everyone involved. This video will help guide your interactions with your new clients.
Create a Safe Work Environment
Simon Sinek talks about how good leaders make their team feel safe. This video will help ensure they feel this way, from the moment you open your new practice.
Tax Tools for Your Practice
Exclusive Tools from The TaxBook
TheTaxBook and TaxAct Professional have partnered to provide you a free sample of their offerings to show just how beneficial their tools can be for your business.
Audit Defense from ProtectionPlus
TaxAct Professional has partnered with ProtectionPlus to provide comprehensive tax resolution services and identity theft resolution services for your clients.
TaxDome Lite is Here
We’ve partnered with TaxDome to bring you over 20 key practice management features that will help you set up your mobile-friendly virtual practice.
Your New Go-To Research Tool
We've partnered with The TaxBook, to offer our pros their award-winning online tax research solution at a discounted price! Order The TaxBook’s WebLibrary Plus today
Tips on Collecting Payments
Nyrie Sarkissian, owner of Tax Prep A-Go-Go, gives advice on how to collect payment from your clients regardless of the outcome of their tax return.
10 Steps to Minimize Tax Liability
TaxAct Professional has created a guide for you to share with your clients, that can assist them in minimizing their tax liability year to year.
Handling Client Information
TaxAct Professional breaks down what you can & cannot do with your clients' tax information. As you start your practice, this information will be crucial.
EFIN & PTIN – Why You Need Them
We provide an in-depth breakdown on EFIN & PTIN, how to get them & what requirements you & your firm need to be aware of as we move into tax season.
Creating a Data Security Plan
TaxAct Professional has created this downloadable guide for you to utilize as you walk through the mandatory process of setting up your data security plan.