Forgot Online Username or Password

If you have forgotten your username or password to your TaxACT Online account, you may still gain access to your account by following these easy steps.

  1. Go to the sign in page for your TaxACT Online account:
  2. Click on either Forgot Username or Forgot Password.
  3. To retrieve your username, click the Forgot your Username link, enter your email address, and click Continue. Any usernames associated with your email address for that particular year will be sent to you in email.
  4. For 2014:  To reset your password, click the Forgot your Password link, enter your username and the verification code displayed on your screen, and then click the Continue button to have the reset email sent.  For Prior Year:  To reset your password, click the Forgot your Password link, enter your username, click Continue, answer your Secret Question, click on Continue and then enter a New Password and enter the Confirm Password and click on the Send Reset Email button.  You will then need to check your email to validate the new Password.

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