Accessing and Downloading Prior Year Returns

To view or download prior year returns:

  1. Sign in to your TaxAct Account online, then click My Taxes.
  2. Click the Dropdown next to the tax year you want to view.
  3. Click the Actions dropdown, then click Download Return to download the return.

Returns are archived on your TaxAct Account for seven (7) years after the tax year, and will be deleted on May 1st of the seventh year. (Example: 2018 returns will be deleted on 5/1/2025, 2019 returns will be deleted on 5/1/2026, and so on.)

TaxAct doesn’t archive returns on your TaxAct Account if the return was created in the TaxAct Desktop or TaxAct Professional Editions.  Go to our Consumer Editions - Locating Return Files FAQ, or our Locating Return Files - Professional Editions FAQ to find prior year returns that you created in the TaxAct Desktop program.

If you can’t find a saved return file on your TaxAct Account online, or in your own files, go to our IRS - Obtain Copy of Tax Return FAQ.