Consumer Product Offerings
TaxAct® Consumer Editions are available for both Online (Over-the-Web) and Desktop (Download/DVD). We offer a number of programs and packages to fit everyone's tax filing needs. From the product pages below, you can click on either the Online or Download tab at the top of each product page to get the proper description of each product for each format.

The over-the-web version allows you to add multiple returns to your account; therefore, a whole family can access their returns from the same account. You will access the account and return(s) from the internet. When using the over-the-web versions, you are charged for the product selected at the time of printing, e-filing, or viewing a PDF copy of the return. There is no additional cost to print or e-file when using the over-the-web version.

The Download/DVD version allows for multiple returns to be prepared and up to five federal returns can be electronically filed. This program is downloaded/installed on to the hard drive of the computer being used. There is an additional state e-file fee with this version.

Our available packages* for preparing your personal return(s) are: Our available packages* for preparing a business return are: We also offer a program* for preparing an Estates & Trusts Return: *The Online version is linked. You will need to click on Download at the top of the product pages to view the pricing and features for that version.