Verification Code - Can I Skip This Step?

To skip the verification code step when signing in:

  1. Click Sign In at the top-right of the TaxAct Webpage or go directly to the Sign In page.
  2. On the screen titled Sign In, click the Checkbox next to Remember this device.
  3. Enter your sign in information, and click Next.
  4. You will have to enter a verification code to complete the sign in process, but the next time, you will not have to enter a verification code.


  • Clicking the checkbox next to Remember this device tells our website that you don't want to enter a verification code for This device. If you sign in anywhere else, you will need to enter a verification code.
  • Verification codes protect your account, so make sure you only click the checkbox next to Remember this device on private devices.
  • If you need to change your phone number or email so that the verification code won't get sent to an old one, go to our Update Email Address or Mobile Phone Number FAQ.
  • If you followed the steps above, but you have to enter a verification code the next time you sign in, make sure cookies are not blocked in your browser settings.

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