Forgot Security Question Answer
If you cannot remember the answer to the security question, we will not be able to verify the account. We would not be able to provide you with any information regarding the account. Due to our strict security policies, we do require this information be verified correctly before releasing any information on the current or prior year account.

You will not be able to reset the Password on a TaxACT Online account without providing the exact security answer as it was input when the account was created. Our representatives also do not have access to your password nor do they have access to reset your password.

In some cases a customer may be using the wrong Username; therefore, our system will not accept the security answer because it is not tied to the correct Username. To ensure that you are using the correct Username, you may use the following link to request the Username be sent to the email address on the account.

Forgot 2014/2015 Username
Forgot 2013 Username
Forgot 2012 Username