Form 1099-MISC - Federal or State Withholding

When you enter federal and/or state withholding amounts reported to you on Form 1099-MISC, the TaxAct program transfers the information to the appropriate line(s) of the other forms. If you have multiple amounts to enter you would combine them into one entry (one entry for the federal withheld amounts and one for the state withheld amounts). The actual Form 1099-MISC is not e-filed with the return, only the information that it contains.

Report Form 1099-MISC and the federal and/or state withholding amounts (if you need help reporting Form 1099-MISC in the TaxAct program, go to our Form 1099-MISC - Entering in Program FAQ):

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click Federal (on smaller devices, click in the top left corner of your screen, then click Federal).
  2. Click Form 1099-MISC, then click + Add Form 1099-MISC to create a new copy of the form or click Edit to edit a form already created (desktop program: click Review instead of Edit).
  3. Continue with the interview process until you reach the screen titled 1099-MISC: Enter information on form.
  4. Click the data entry field below Box 4 - Federal income tax withheld, and type the amount.  Click the data entry field below Box 15 - State tax withheld, and type the amount.  Complete boxes 16 and 17 as applicable.
  5. On the screen titled What schedule or form should the income from this Form 1099-MISC be reported on?, click the dropdown below Assigned schedule or form, and click the applicable form or schedule.